WordPress-Plugin: Google Sitemap

An other interesting service provided by Google is Sitemap. While the format was originally developed by Google it is now basically a standard all major search engines are working on. More information you about Sitemaps you can find on Sitemaps.org.

Creating and maintaining such a sitemap for a blog can be quite time consuming, especially if you are writing posts quite frequently. That is where this wordpress plugin comes into the game. It helps you to create the files sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz. On the adminstration page you can choose between many options and customize the sitemap to your needs.

If you are interested in using sitemaps download the WordPress plugin “Google Sitemap” by Arne Brachold. It does not only inform the search engines about the structure of your website, the changes to the website and how often the different pages and posts should be visited by the crawlers. On http://www.google.com/webmasters/ you can see the crawl status of your pages, where the crawlers run into trouble, etc.

Why English?

Why is this website in English? Good question and not easy to answer. It could be also in German, Spanish or Portuguese (my french is not good enough to write more than a few basic frases. ;-)).

A few reasons why I have decided to write this website in English:

  • I think I will reach the biggest audience with English.
  • I have a few friends all over the world.
  • This website will contain a lot of stuff up developing websites. English is THE language in this area, so I thought it might be clever to write in English.
  • It might give me also the chance to improve my English skills (as it is not my mother tongue, please don’t be too harsh in your comments. Constructive critisism is highly appreciated, though – contact).

This does not mean that I might not write some posts in German, Spanish or even Portuguese from time to time. Depending on the audience that I would like to reach with the post an other language might be used.

Rothemund.org is up and running again

After a fairly long time of absence Rothemund.org is up and running again. Why was the site off-line you might ask now. I will tell you: the hosting company (which provided a good service during several years) closed down all their servers. From one day to the other. No warnings and – of course – no back ups available. Continue reading “Rothemund.org is up and running again”